Pregnancy and Kidney Disease

Although pregnancy can put stress on the body; a joy of newborn arrival can relive that stress in one second. If you have kidney disease or kidney failure, it can put your child at risk of various health problems. So, discuss with your health care provider in advance about the precautions you need to take or the right time to conceive. They can help better in taking the right decision based on your condition. The conditions that can affect your pregnancy are:

  • The stage of chronic kidney disease
  • Your age
  • Blood pressure and blood sugar levels
  • Protein in the urine or proteinuria
  • Heart health
  • Other health conditions in the body

What if you are in the initial stages of kidney damage?

Positive results have been observed on the women in their first or second stage of kidney damage, normal blood pressure, and no protein in the urine. 

Proteinuria is a common complication that may become prevalent during pregnancy. In medical terms, the condition is called preeclampsia which happens after 20 week of pregnancy. Some symptoms include high blood pressure and protein in the urine. 
Losing protein through proteinuria may cause severe health issues in the body and often an indication of kidney damage. The condition happens when the kidneys’ filters are not able to filter blood and leak out blood and protein through the urine. To some women, kidney damage can put their baby in the womb at a high risk of losing life. Hence, consult your gynaecologist whether you should avoid consider pregnancy. 

Can you go for a pregnancy when on Dialysis?

First of all, the women on dialysis may have a hard time conceiving a baby. This is often due to the fact that at the late stage of kidney damage, a woman on dialysis has anemia. This may disturb their menstrual periods or create other problems.  

Women who have complete kidney failure are never suggested to become pregnant. The risk to lose life is high to both the mother and the fetus in the womb. But if you become pregnant, you are advised to take Ayurvedic kidney disease treatment that leaves no side effects on the body while being empathetic to both the mother and the developing baby. 

Can women become pregnant after a kidney transplant?

If you went for a kidney transplant somewhere in the past and you have regular menstrual periods you can become pregnant without much of the difficulties. But the time span after a transplant and pregnancy should not be less than a year. The antibiotics you take after an organ transplant may harm the unborn baby in the womb. 

In some cases, however, the doctors don’t recommend women to conceive if there are some health conditions that may increase the risk of miscarriage. But before going for any conclusion make sure to consult your healthcare provider and ask if changing medications would help.

How allopathic medications can affect your unborn baby?

There are some antibiotics that can affect a mother as well as a child. These medications should be avoided to have a safe pregnancy. Instead, you can rely on Ayurvedic medicines to continue with the pregnancy and still assure your kidney’s health. 

The Ayurvedic medications for kidney damage make sure that there is no side effect on the body of the patient by including only herbs, spices, and oils in their organic form. Unlike allopathic medications, Ayurvedic medicines improve the general functioning of the kidney by way of rejuvenating the damaged cells and tissues of the kidneys.

Can a man become a father after a kidney transplant?

Yes, men can become a father even if they had transplantation in the past. Although he may need to go for routine fertility check up; to ensure a complication-free pregnancy. Some anti-rejection medications hamper the man ability to father a baby, so better take the advice of your doctor before making any decision. 

Karma Ayurveda is an Ayurvedic kidney care institution that has helped more than 35000 kidney patients with its Ayurvedic Kidney Disease treatment. Doctor Puneet Dhawan ensures that the medicines do not impose any threat to the life of the patients in any form and avoid the need to go for expensive procedures like organ transplant or dialysis.

If you want a treatment for yourself, connect now!
