Significance of Ayurvedic Medicine for Kidney Disease!

Kidney disease is a condition when the kidney does not execute his job fitly. There can be many speculations behind kidney problems such as cysts, polycystic kidney disease (it is a kind of genetic disorder), diabetes, high blood pressure, kidney stone, poor food habits, proteinuria and more. To staying safe from kidney diseases, people are taking Ayurvedic medicine for kidney disease. There are two main reasons why kidney patients are taking Ayurvedic medicine for kidney disease – first is lack of money, and second is no harmful effects of Ayurvedic treatment. 

Kidney diseases are reckoned as the major diseases from which most of the people are suffering. Following are some of the major kidney diseases from which everyone should aware and take precautions.

How many types of Kidney Diseases?

  • Chronic kidney disease – It is a type of disease which destroys the kidneys and decreases the strength of the kidneys so, that they cannot do the jobs scheduled. Damage kidneys do not filter wastes in the blood. Chronic kidney disease raises the chance of heart attack and in the end, death. Chronic kidney disease caused by diabetes, high blood pressure, anemia (low blood count), weak bones, poor appetite, weakness, and more. Immediate discovery and Ayurvedic medicine for kidney disease can stop chronic kidney disease from getting worse. When chronic kidney disease progresses, it finally causes kidney failure, which necessitates proper Ayurvedic treatment for kidney disease to keep a healthy lifestyle. 
  • Acute kidney disease – It is a disease when the kidneys are not healthy enough to discharge excess salts, fluids, and waste materials from the blood. This elimination is the work of kidneys. When the kidneys begin losing their filtering techniques may your body fluids can rise to dangerous levels. Acute kidney failure is life-threatening and demands intense treatment. However, it can be reversible, if you take Ayurvedic medicine for kidney disease. When you feel weakness, blood in urine, dehydration, serious illness, and high blood pressure that means you have acute kidney failure.
  • Polycystic kidney disease – It is a genetic disorder which transfers to you by your siblings such as mother, father, grandparents and more. Polycystic kidney disease is a serious one among all kidney diseases because in allopathic there is no lasting treatment for this. But, Ayurvedic medicine for kidney disease is the only way through which the person with polycystic kidney disease can save his life. The symptoms of polycystic kidney disease are pain or tenderness in the abdomen, frequent urination, pain in the sides, urinary tract infection, pain or heaviness in the back and skin that blisters easily.
  • Proteinuria treatment – The high of protein in the blood symbolizes that the kidneys do not hold protein to pass through the filters. The damaged filters by kidney disease allot protein such as albumin leak from the blood into the urine. Proteinuria treatment is necessary to stop the influences of kidney disease. High blood pressure and diabetes are the two most vital determinants for proteinuria because of both cause damage to the kidneys, which in the end, leads to proteinuria. Proteinuria patients need Ayurvedic medicine for kidney disease.
  • Creatinine Treatment – High creatinine levels indicate kidney function or kidney disease. If the kidneys become damaged due to any reason, the creatinine level in the blood will rise because of poor clearance of creatinine by the weak kidneys. However, the high levels of creatinine are an indication for you that the kidneys are not healthy enough to perform.
How Useful is Ayurvedic Medicine for Kidney Disease?

Now realize why many kidney patients postpone dialysis or transplantation and prefer Ayurvedic treatment. There are some reasons why you should choose Ayurvedic medicine for kidney disease:

  • High in demand – Most of the time people influenced by this phase “Following a crowd blindly” which may cause them problems. This is the reason why lots of people are facing the side effects of dialysis or transplantation, and they are still suffering from kidney problems. Ayurvedic medicine for kidney disease is not only healed the disease but, also work on its causes. That is why many kidney patients are taking Ayurvedic kidney treatment from Karma Ayurveda and living a healthy life. 
  • Have no side effects – Because of the consumption of artificially manufactured medicines a lot of kidney patients are complaining to experience low blood pressure, nausea, itchy skin, poor appetite, and more. But, Ayurvedic medicine for kidney disease is not providing these kinds of side effects. 
Ayurveda is an ancient science which our ancestors and their ancestors used to heal kidney diseases and that was the time when dialysis or transplantation was not present. Karma Ayurveda is one of the leading kidney treatment centers where Dr. Puneet Dhawan had healed more than 35000 kidney patients. If you and someone in your known are fighting against kidney disease should apply Ayurvedic medicine for kidney disease prescribed by Dr. Puneet Dhawan from Karma Ayurveda.
