What Does Protein in Your Urine Mean?

Proteinuria is a problem that depicts an excess loss of protein from the blood. This problem occurs when the kidneys are not healthy enough to restrain protein from leaking out through urine. Healthy kidneys work to filter and excrete unnecessary materials like protein with the urine, but diseased kidneys cannot do that. 

Unhealthy kidneys are not only the reason for a large level of protein in the urine; overconsumption of protein can also be a reason behind Proteinuria. Ayurvedic treatment for Proteinuria can turn out to be beneficial for a person with the issue of protein leakage. 

In this blog, you will read about what does protein in your urine mean, what are the symptoms of protein leakage, and how to manage the problem of Proteinuria? 

What does protein in your urine mean? 

There are so many causes of kidney related problems, and Proteinuria is one of them which appear when the kidney’s filters are not healthy due to the following health issues. 

  1. Diabetes or high blood sugar level is one of the major reasons which harm the glomeruli and the nephrons, accountable for the sifting of the unwanted protein from the blood. 
  2. High blood pressure or hypertension is the second leading reason that damages the kidneys in a way that they may stop working sooner or later. 
  3. Glomerulonephritis is a conglomeration of conditions that wound the glomeruli (a major part of kidney’s filtration units), and if the disease is not treated on time, it can damage the kidneys extensively. 
  4. Urinary Tract Infection or UTI is an infection in the urinary system of the body damages the kidneys as well as their glomeruli (s). 

The other causes of Proteinuria are:

  1. Overconsumption of pain killers also enhances the danger of Proteinuria. 
  2. Fragile digestion – There are certain problems that put pressure on your digestive system. 
  3. Rigorous exercise – In some cases, kidneys exhibit more protein when you put your muscles into actions. This a temporary condition, but can be turned out into dangerous if the person does not take Proteinuria Ayurvedic treatment. 
These are a few of the causes/problems that may increase the risk of kidney disease. In case, you have observed protein in your urine, then consult a healthcare provider to prevent the problem of Proteinuria. 

What are the symptoms of protein leakage? 

Normally, kidneys eliminate useless nutrients from the blood through the urine. However, when the kidney’s filters (glomeruli) are damaged, the kidneys may lose protein from the blood that causes you the following symptoms. 

  1. Foamy or bubbly urine due to the presence of protein.
  2. Swelling in some parts of the body like feet, hands, and many more due to excess fluid retention in the body. 
  3. Puffiness around the eyes
  4. Dizzy or sparkling urine
  5. Frequent urination, especially at night 
  6. Feeble body
  7. Loss of hunger
  8. Unhealthy weight
  9. Chest pain
  10. High level of cholesterol
  11. Muscle contractions
  12. Pale skin
  13. Weakness
  14. Lack of concentration
  15. Mental stress
Protein in the urine is a health condition that indicates something is not going well with your excreting system. Untreated Proteinuria can often lead the patient to the condition of kidney failure. Hence it is vital to get a lasting solution, such as Proteinuria treatment in Ayurveda that can heal the disease from its roots.  

How to manage the problem of Proteinuria?

By adopting necessary lifestyle changes, such as sound eating habits, practice Yoga, and Proteinuria Ayurvedic treatment will play an essential role to sustain healthy kidneys and body. Although by including the following tips in your life, you can get rid of the condition of protein loss and can live a disease-free life. 
  1. Restrict taking salt – Salt is a source of sodium that can put pressure on the harmed kidneys and also increases the level of your blood pressure. Instead of regular salt, use rock salt (Sendha Namak) as it is far more preferable and less harming. 
  2. Avoid taking protein – It is vital for a person with kidney related problems (especially Proteinuria) to avoid eating the food items that are high in protein because it is already present in your body in excess amount and can also pressurize your kidneys to work more diligently. 
  3. Add ginger, garlic, and onion in your meal as they can provide/offer a lot of helpful nutrients. 
  4. Use fresh fruits and vegetables, instead of canned food products.
  5. Stay hydrated by eating a lot of juicy fruits.
These were some of the tips to restrain the risk of kidney failure due to protein leakage. Althoughs controlling high blood pressure, high blood sugar level, and maintaining a healthy weight is always recommended.  You can take Proteinuria Ayurvedic treatment that includes a kidney-friendly diet, and Yoga which lead to a complication-free life. 

Ayurvedic medications not only work to prevent the symptoms of the disease; however, heal it from its roots. Karma Ayurveda is a leading kidney care treatment center in India, where in access of 35000 kidney patients got relieved without utilizing a drop of Allopath. Here, Dr. Puneet Dhawan Ayurvedic Kidney Specialist is diligently working to bring the effective benefits of Ayurveda in every kidney patient’s life. On the off chance, if you or anyone in your known is facing the problem of protein loss, then contact Doctor Puneet Dhawan for Proteinuria treatment in Ayurveda.
