Can Emotional Stress Cause Proteinuria?

Stress has become a part of our life. Too much stress can add to the poor health of the individual, contribute to blood pressure level, and damage the important organs of the body, such as heart and kidneys. For the ongoing increase in our deteriorating health, stress has been the major cause. By learning how stress has affected our life and looking for the ways to keep it away, we can avert the progression of kidney damage into some serious health condition.

What is stress?

Stress is our body’s reaction that can disturb your emotional balance. It is our response to adjustments or changes that take place outside. The body reacts to such changes physically, emotionally or mentally. Living with a disease or learning that you have the disease can also be a source of stress.

Psychological stress can be a result of positive as well as negative events. Our response to such events determines how we perceive the situation; you may feel anxious, happy, or low. Your physical response to stress includes faster heartbeat, increased blood pressure, tensed muscles, dilated pupils, etc. Your blood sugar rate may also increase or decrease when the quality of your thoughts are negative. This means your thought process has to do a lot about your well being.

Stress and kidney disease

When your body is under stress for an extended period, your blood pressure reaches peak levels. The frequent pulse rate, tensed muscle, and variations in the blood sugar level become the reason why the arteries and veins in the kidneys start to damage. Uncontrolled reaction to the stress can damage your heart, liver, and kidneys. 

We believe that stress is normal but, it is not true. When we are not able to deal with absurd situations outside, our body reactions at that time are not acceptable. Our hormones abruptly change at that time, which becomes the reason why our immune system weakens and destroys our ability to heal naturally. Yes, we do have a self-healing mechanism, but our ever changing lifestyle has started to damage our healthy nature. 

Your kidneys are the blood filtering units of the body, and any damage to the blood circulation system by high blood pressure and diabetic level can severely affect their health. High blood pressure means the flow of the blood against the wall of the bloodstream is quite high. Such high pressure weakens the bloodstream inside the kidneys as well.

Similarly, when your blood sugar increases, it destroys the kidney’s bloodstream or put a strain on them. Those with high blood pressure or blood sugar are more at risk of having kidney failure. That is why; doctors suggest taking care of the kidneys with some preventive measures when you have two of these conditions.

When your kidneys become unhealthy, they cannot eliminate fluid and other waste from the blood. Your blood usually have hazardous levels of waste (produced by the chemical reactions that take place inside the cells and tissues) when your kidneys are not functional otherwise. 

Kidney disease happens because of the conditions that damage the filters of the kidneys called glomeruli. The nephrons and glomeruli together hook up to filter waste from the blood. During kidney disease, when the filters do not work as they are meant to, blood cells and protein start to slip along with the urine. Losing protein through your urine in a medical term is known as proteinuria or albuminuria. Albumin is a type of protein needed for maintaining fluid and electrolyte balance in the body. When you lose albumin during kidney damage, you may face serious complications in the body. Thus, it is important to get it treated at the earliest with ayurvedic treatment for proteinuria.

Ways to manage your stress level

Whether your aim is to reduce the risk of kidney or heart disease, managing stress is extremely important. You cannot get rid of stress completely but still, it is vital to manage it to an acceptable level to let the body function properly. There are some steps that can help you, such as:

•   Eat healthy fruits and vegetables
•   Avoid junk or street food
•   Limit sugar, carbs, and fats in your diet
•   Have less of sodium in your meals; as this directly manifolds your blood pressure level
•   Learn about your stress buster
•   Pray as you like
•   Talk to your family or friends or loved one
•   Over thinking kills your happiness
•   Never choose caffeine to relax your mind and body
•   Sleep for at least 7 or 8 hours every night
•   Maintain a positive outlook for every situation in your life; be minor or major
•   Vacay more often
•   Do yoga or meditation daily
•   Be physically active
•   Join for some peaceful activities such as the art of living

Karma Ayurveda is a kidney care hospital in Delhi, India that offers only ayurvedic treatment to the kidney patients all over the world. The ayurvedic medicines by Doctor Puneet Dhawan have saved more than 35000 kidney patients and allowed them to reduce the dependency on dialysis. If you are also falling ill because of unhealthy kidneys, then reach us!
