How Nephrotic Syndrome Ayurvedic Treatment Is Safe?

A kidney disorder is the condition when your kidneys are not able to perform their functions like filtration of waste products and excess fluids from your blood that can lead to different kidney diseases. Kidney disease can lead to kidney failure if left untreated for a long time; therefore, kidney disease must be treated in initial stages. Various types of kidney disorders can also affect the functioning of your kidneys. Types of kidney disease are as follows:

•  Diabetic Nephropathy
•  Kidney Stones
•  Fabry Disease
•  Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis
•  Glomerulonephritis
•  IgA Nephropathy (Berger’s Disease)
•  Alport Syndrome
•  Minimal Change Disease
•  Polycystic Kidney Disease or PKD
•  Nephrotic Syndrome

These are the types of kidney disorders. Some of the disorders are so hazardous that it can even lead to the death of someone, if left untreated. If you want to treat your kidneys without any side-effects then always choose Ayurveda because it gives kidney treatment naturally and have no side-effect on any part of the body.

Nephrotic syndrome – It is a type of kidney disorder, in which your body excretes too much protein in your urine. There are small blood vessels present inside your kidneys that perform the process of filtration. These blood vessels are also known as nephrons. Nephrotic syndrome is usually caused by damage to the clutters of the nephrons. Treatment for nephrotic syndrome includes the treatment of causes of nephrotic syndrome. Your doctors may suggest you to change your diet that can help you in the prevention of your kidneys from nephrotic syndrome. Some doctors may also suggest certain medications but it’s always to better opt for Nephrotic syndrome Ayurvedic treatment in place of certain medications given by allopathy doctors.

Causes of nephrotic syndrome

There are many possible causes of nephrotic syndrome, some of them are caused due to medical conditions and some are due to other causes that are as follows:

• Diabetic kidney disease – Diabetes is very dangerous for your health can lead to kidney damage that affects the glomeruli.
• Minimal change disease – This disease is found most commonly in children. This disorder results in the abnormal functioning of your kidneys. When kidney tissue is examined under a microscope, it appears normal.
• Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis – This is a condition of your kidneys that is a result of another disease or genetic defect, this condition also occurs for no reason.
• Membranous nephropathy – This disorder is the result of thickening membranes within the glomeruli. The reason for the thickening of this membrane is still unknown, but sometimes it associated with other medical conditions.
• Systemic lupus erythematosus – This is a chronic inflammatory disease that can damage your kidneys.
• Amyloidosis – This disorder occurs when a substance called amyloid proteins to accumulate in your kidneys and that can damage your kidney's filtration process.
• Blood clot in a kidney vein – when there is a blood clot in your vein that is connected to your kidneys can cause nephrotic syndrome.
• Certain medications – Some nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and drugs used to fight infections are some of the examples of medications that can cause nephrotic syndrome.
• Certain infections – HIV, hepatitis N, hepatitis C, and malaria are of some of the infections and medical conditions that can cause nephrotic syndrome.

Above-mentioned are the causes of nephrotic syndrome and for the treatment of this disorder, you have to treat the causes of the above-mentioned. Nephrotic syndrome Ayurvedic treatment involves the use of natural herbs that are very effective in the treatment of nephrotic syndrome due to use of natural herbs. 

Signs and symptoms of nephrotic syndrome

Nephrotic syndrome has very fewer symptoms as this disease goes in further stages, then the symptoms of kidney disease are more likely to visible. Few symptoms of nephrotic syndrome are as follows:

•  Swelling in some parts of the body like bellow your eyes, ankles, and feet.
•  Foamy urine due to the presence of excess protein in your urine
•  Weight gain due to excess fluid retention in your body when your kidneys are not able to perform their functions
•  Fatigue or tiredness
•  Poor appetite or not feeling hungry.

These symptoms also specify other kidney problems, if you have two or more symptoms then reach to your doctors and consult him about your symptoms. Your doctor may perform a kidney function test to check the functioning of your kidneys.


Treatment for nephrotic syndrome is based on the treatment of the causes of nephrotic syndrome. Some of the following ways to treat nephrotic syndrome are as follows:

• Blood pressure control – By controlling blood pressure many health-related issues can be resolved. Blood pressure can be controlled by several ways, one of the best ways is to make dilute changes in your routine and diet like regular morning exercise is very helpful in controlling high BP and also avoid sodium in the diet is very good for your health.
• Cholesterol-reducing – Cholesterol is very harmful to your health, the researcher said that cholesterol is so harmful that it can even lead to cancer. Change in diet and regular exercise or meditation can help you in controlling cholesterol.
•  Ayurvedic herbs – This method is the best way to treat this kidney disorder. It is scientifically proven that Ayurvedic herbs are the best way to treat any disease. Ayurveda not only focuses on the treatment of disease, but it also maintains the right balance between mind, body, and soul.

If you are in search of the Ayurvedic kidney disease treatment, then your search is going to over now. Karma Ayurveda is one of the leading health care centers and was established in 1937 to stop kidney dialysis. Here Dr. Puneet Dhawan and his team use their specialization in the treatment of kidney patients for the betterment of their lives. If you have some query, then feel free to call always.
