How Ayurveda Helps To Reverse Kidney Complications Naturally

What is kidney disease?

Kidney disease means the damage to the kidneys results in a buildup of the waste in the bloodstream. Chronic kidney disease has the tendency to progress to the serious stage of renal failure when the kidneys totally become nonfunctional. Your kidneys are responsible for channeling the waste along with the urine, any obstruction in the urine elimination process results in the inflammation of the kidneys. Your kidneys are also held accountable for maintaining the right balance of fluid and electrolyte, keeping the blood pressure in control, and secreting hormones for the formation of RBCs.

So, when they become diseased, they may not allow the waste to pass through them which eventually sticks to the bloodstream and make the blood poisonous. There are various ways through which you can cleanse the blood such as dialysis and organ transplant, but both these surgical procedures are not viable to improve kidney function. They both do not come up with several other important functions of the kidneys and cause various life-threatening conditions such as heart failure. Most patients, who lose their life when being on dialysis, are affected not because of the dialysis, but because of the developing heart-related complications. 

Ayurveda in return is the best way to cure kidney-related complications. Ayurveda is an organic way to reverse kidney complications such as removal of toxins, elimination of the urine, and the regulation of blood pressure. Ayurveda is a science that utilizes the sacred herbs granted to us by our nature to allow people to stay vitalize. It is an old-system of treating the mind, body, and the soul by healing the cells and tissues and rejuvenating them completely.

In Sanskrit, Ayurveda is often referred to as The Science of Life that considers a different way to see how illness occurs in a body and how they can be treated without any surgery. The knowledge of the Ayurveda helps to understand the link between the constitution of our body and our environment.  To achieve the stage of equilibrium one must make necessary changes in our diet and living habits but according to our bodily constitution. Ayurveda believes that we humans are composed of the energies and the composition of these energies varies differently in each of us. The energies in Sanskrit are called Vata (Wind), Pitta (Fire), and Kapha (Earth), the main reason for a difference in the characteristic of two people.

Our true state of being is a healthy one, but if ever these energies get disturbed, we ought to have a disease though we have a self-healing immune system. The minor illnesses in the body get healed up even when we do not take any kind of medications, but for chronic ailments, one still needs to rely on ayurvedic medications to get rid of signs and causes. 

The signs that tell you have chronic kidney disease should not be overlooked in order for the disease to be diagnosed at an early stage. These include:

• Changes in the urination: foamy urine, blood in the urine, pain when passing the urine, and changes in how much you urinate
• Swelling: Swelling appears as a result of fluid retention around the face, legs, ankles, and arms. Eyes also look puffy
• High blood pressure: Occurring because of fluid deposition in the arteries that take the blood to the heart
• Anemia: As your kidneys are responsible for the formation of RBCs, a  low count of them results in anemia and related complications
• Nausea, vomiting, and dizziness: Being low in energy and puckish all the time
• Food intolerance: The waste in the blood makes you lose appetite

So, if you have risk factors that can give rise to falling health of the kidneys, then it is important that you take care of your kidneys with home remedies and ayurvedic medicines. Ayurveda can help reverse the kidney complications without the need to rely on allopathic medications which may or may not have some side-effects. 

The causes or risk factors that can increase the likelihood if developing CKD are:

• Heart disease
• Uncontrollable high blood pressure 
• Blood sugar level
• Scarring of the liver or liver failure
• Dehydration
• A severe burn
• An allergic reaction
• A severe infection, such as sepsis
• Types of cancers such as: prostate, colon, cervical, bladder
• Kidney stones
• An enlarged prostate
• Blood clots within your urinary tract
• Damage to your nerves that control your bladder
• A blood clot in or around your kidneys
• Infection
• An overload of toxins from heavy metals
• Drugs and alcohol
• Vasculitis, an inflammation of blood vessels
• Lupus, an autoimmune disease 
• Glomerulonephritis
• Multiple myeloma
• Scleroderma, an autoimmune condition that affects your skin
• Chemotherapy drugs that treat cancer and some autoimmune diseases
• Dyes used in some imaging tests also obstruct the kidney function
• Certain antibiotics

In the case of kidney disease, the damage to them is healed with the help of herbal extracts in Ayurveda. The herbal extracts work on detoxifying the channels of the kidneys which gave rise to malfunctioning of the kidneys. The channels involved in the case of any kidney disease are the mutravaha srotas which carry urine and fluid to and fro from the kidneys. If there emerges any obstruction in the channels of the kidneys, the kidneys cannot accept or pass the urine in and out resulting in swelling and shrinkage. 

There are various effective herbs that can snub the hindrance to the channels of the kidneys and make the kidneys functional once again. The herbs like Punarnava can powerfully work on improving the general function of the kidneys and revitalize your whole body. 

Taking Ayurvedic kidney treatment can make rejuvenate the immune system completely and make you healthy without even the need to take dialysis or organ transplant.

Lifestyle changes and dietary changes by Ayurveda

The dietary changes you can adopt to make the kidneys functional include:

• Stay hydrated
• Reduce table salt in your diet 
• Eat food rich in magnesium 
• Manage your blood pressure, diabetes, cholesterol, body weight to avoid the burden on the kidneys
• Exercise regularly for at least 30 minutes daily
• Fatty, oily, and fried foods should not be avoided
• Keep the track of albumin level in your blood 
• Add ginger, garlic, and onion to your meals
• Too much of potassium can damage the kidneys
• Eat fruits and vegetables more
• Sleep for at least 7 hours daily

Consult Karma Ayurveda if you have any kidney problem that can be reversed with Ayurveda. We know what is the best diet plan and medicines for your kidney problem. 

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